Electrical Muscle Stimulation or “EMS”

The low voltage electrical currents of EMS are adjusted to stimulate muscle motor nerve strands at a high enough intensity to cause muscle contractions and thus affect muscles at a deep level. EMS differs from TENS in that it is designed to stimulate muscle motor nerves, while TENS is designed to stimulate sensory nerve endings to help decrease pain.

Contraction/Relaxation of muscles has been found to effectively treat a variety of musculoskeletal and vascular conditions. Benefits can include muscle relaxation, increased local blood circulation, and treatment of tenderness. Other common uses for EMS: increasing range of motion: preventing Muscle Disuse Atrophy, releasing muscle spasms, various conditions that benefit from increased local circulation.

Some of the uses of EMS are as follows:

  • Maintaining and Increasing Range of Motion:  In conditions where the reduction of physiological range of motion is due to or the result of fractures with consequent immobilization, operative intervention, or arthroscopy, in shoulders, knees, and backs.

  • The Prevention or Retardation of Muscle Disuse Atrophy:  Muscle disuse atrophy is a reduction in muscle contraction and size due to prolonged impairment or joint immobility from surgery, injury or disease.

  • The use of electrical stimulation to contract the muscles builds and strengthens the muscles, assisting in prevention of disuse atrophy. 

  • Relaxation of Muscle Spasms:  Muscle spasms and cramping often occur in areas of localized pain and tenderness.  Stimulation is used to fatigue the “spastic” muscle.

  • Muscle Reeducation: Evidence has shown that a combination of both exercise and electrical stimulation is far superior in strengthening atrophied muscles. 

  • Increased Local Blood Circulation:  Rhythmic muscle contraction helps improve blood circulation, thereby aiding in the reduction of localized swelling and tenderness. 

  • Immediate Post-Surgical Stimulation of Calf Muscles to Prevent Venous Thrombosis:  The use of EMS to increase blood circulation assists in the prevention of venous thrombosis.